Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Romans 1:16

I am a closet geek who used to masquerade as a party girl for the longest time. These days I can't walk into a bookstore without getting an adrenaline rush, and I am not afraid to tell you that! But I would have never admitted this ten years ago. I also love to write, but when I do, I write out of an overflow of my personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

A friend recently asked me, "You are a Jesus girl, aren't you?"


But the thing is, I know who I am. Whereas I think some of us have an identity crisis. Do you feel like you are trying to figure out where you fit in? Perhaps you are like me- you enjoy reading, but you're afraid to come across as "too geeky"? And perhaps you are like me in the sense that you love Jesus, but maybe you are afraid of looking too spiritual?

If that's the case, I want to encourage you today to be who you are, but be who you are in Christ!

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes . . . " Romans 1:16

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like this one alot... Keep it up

Carlos Vallejo