The fear of not being known drove me to find ways to become known. But sometimes the quest to be known can be exhausting. So I tell my need for community to come calling another day. And I find satisfaction in just being unknown.
"There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens...
a time to plant and a time to uproot"
-Ecclesiastes 3:1,2
3 weeks ago
oh, yes, tis true. just tonight i was Ps. 62:8' ing 'pouring my heart out to him' feeling so alone and knowing only He can fill and He knows. Sending you love and I would love to be your community next door. Sorry I've been MIA, but you know what's going on here--still loving you!!! abby:)
Thanks, Sister! The things of this life are never easy, are they... it's bittersweet. But it's all those challenging things that keep pushing us deeper into Him, you know? Thanks for your updates...keep pressing on! God is faithful!
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