As God listens, he beckons us to come and sit with Him, to hoist ourselves up in his lap and just stay for a while. Like a dear friend, He invites us to talk about what we need and want to talk about. Sometimes we laugh. Other times we cry. Sometimes we feel vulnerable. Other times we feel bold. And still there are times when we simply come with a child like faith.
He speaks to us in return with poetic Psalms. He sometimes greets us with similes and metaphors and parables found in his Word. Then he speaks to us through a friend or even a stranger, through a mentor or spiritual leader. He speaks to us through circumstances as some doors slam shut, and still other doors swing wide open. He speaks gently to our hearts.
What is the condition of your heart today? Is it wide open to the things of God or have you slammed all the doors shut?
Jesus says in Revelation 3:20 "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."
3 weeks ago
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