Monday, January 9, 2012

The Door

I set out to find my place in this world, knowing this world is not the place for me. For I call heaven my home. Still, I knew I must search for the place purposed for me this side of heaven.

But fear now blocks the door to the way I believe I should walk and doubt darkens my vision. So I pray for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. And I gather up my faith to take the steps I need to take that carry me past the fear. Now the door seems so much closer.

Is there a door you know you need to walk through, but fear keeps slowing you down?

"I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me."
-Revelation 3:8

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