Thursday, August 13, 2009

1 John 4:19

What is love?

For some, love is a rug that constantly gets yanked out from underneath them. Love is a battlefield. For others, love is a language . . . it is a word of affirmation or a gift. Love is an experience. Love is romantic. Love is brotherly.

There are so many ways we package love in our lives. Like a stack of pictures, we store it in bins labeled with different categories-family, friends, spouse, children. We compartmentalize our love, sharing it with some, withholding it from others.

But what happens when we take our hands off love and experience it the way God wants us to? What if we stow away our own limited notions of love to receive God's love, and experience love supernaturally.

Then love becomes unconditional. Love becomes sacrificial. Love becomes eternal.

The Bible says "we love because he first loved us" (1 John 4:19).

What's your take on love?

1 comment:

The Following said...

I don't think I've ever thought to call it "label[ing] people's love" like your post mentions. compartmentalizing people's love is like rationalizing it, which is the nearly the same as discounting its authenticity. The concept of labeling love is disgustingly intriguing because its not how I wish to operate, yet sometimes find myself doing. It seems dangerous and intoxicating to consider receiving love uninhibited by our own filters and insecurities... yet precisely what we desire and so often reject.

thank you for sharing, i look forward to reading more!!